D and I spent the better part of this week acid-washing the pool. For those of you who don’t know what the heck that is, it is when you drain out the pool then wash its walls with acid to remove all the gunk and algae that has accumulated, giving the water a greenish sheen. Like most things in life nowadays, YouTube makes it much simpler than it looks. When D brought this up, I replied in my usual, never-say-die, rah-rah girl “sure, why not?”. In reality, it is back-breaking! Although, there is a lot of satisfaction to be had when you see what a huge difference a good scrubbing can make.
By noon, we have finished the entire pool and also installed new LED underwater lights. We truly deserve a treat! This is a huge project which entailed so much physical effort. Not an easy feat since it has become so humid. We decided to go out for early dinner while we wait for the pool to be filled with water.
We decided to try B & B Butchers and Restaurant. This restaurant appears on top of every list of the best restaurants in Houston. We simply have to try it.
This was clearly one of the best steak dinners we ever had. As Texans and steak-enthusiasts, this is a very loaded statement. Now we know why this restaurant tops lists all the time. It can’t be missed for those who are unapologetically carnivorous. What a wonderful way to reward ourselves for all the hard labor we did.