Monthly Archives: August 2016

The General Public

Sooner or later, I knew it as going to happen. My little boy would grow up. And in a parents’ quest to raise a well- balanced individual, his extra-curricular activities would take over our lives. What started out as once-a-week piano and guitar lessons have morphed into a daily wake-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn to take him to band camp. Not even our precious weekends are spared. Today, the marching band has some sort of activity with their uniforms and we had to cancel our weekend trip to Fredericksburg. I have no idea how mothers with multiple children are able to do it, because I only have one, and I feel like he needs two or three of me. I personally know a couple of awesome women who do this juggling act pretty well, and I have nothing but mad admiration and respect for them. Y’all deserve awards and accolades. Michael Phelps should give all his medals to you.

So after Beans was done, he wanted to hang out with his friends to practice some music pieces. So D and I took this opportunity to have some wonderful lunch, being the awesome parents we feel we are. I’ve been food blogging for more than a year so I get notices for new restaurants opening in Houston area. I noted that The General Public has opened a Houston location last week at City Center. We decided to head there and try it.

The interior design is top-notch. It veered away from the mixey-matchy style that most restaurants do but managed to create a cohesive and classy atmosphere.



The pictures don’t do justice to the lighting which was also well done.

Drinks menu had good choices. I had a caipirinha and D has some draft beer
Drinks menu had good choices. I had a caipirinha and D has some draft beer

The appetizers menu was really very tempting so we decided to order two.

Shishitos and Shrooms---shishitos are Asian peppers that are sweet. This was tempura-fried and had sriracha dipping sauce
Shishitos and Shrooms—shishitos are Asian peppers that are sweet. This was tempura-fried and had sriracha dipping sauce

When deciding on a restaurant, I first  look at the menu online. There is almost always one dish that will entice me to go. In this case, it is the bone marrow dish. I’ve eaten bone marrow since I was a kid. Back in the Philippines, we have a dish called Bulalo, which is a soup made of bone marrow, beef  and some veggies. I would take a barbecue stick and ring it around the inside of the bone and attempt to extract the marrow in one piece. That’s how I get my kicks. Clearly, we didn’t have pokemon-go to excite our lives back then.

Wanna Bone -- beef marrow bone, mushrooms confit, pickled cauliflower, wild arugula & ale glazed shallots
Wanna Bone — beef marrow bone, mushrooms confit, pickled cauliflower, wild arugula & ale glazed shallots
For entree, I had fish and chips. I love the presentation. It came in a wooden tray and it even had a bottle of malt vinegar form UK (or as newscasters in the Olympics would say, GB)
For entree, I had fish and chips. I love the presentation. It came in a wooden tray and it even had a bottle of malt vinegar from UK (or as newscasters in the Olympics would say, GB)
Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes with garlic aioli & oven roasted brussels sprouts
D had Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes with garlic aioli & oven roasted brussels sprouts. He was on his second draft beer which was some sort of vanilla porter.
This is their one and only dessert, called Birthday Cake, hence the candle on top. It is one of the best birthday cakes I've had. Vanilla butter cake with buttercream icing. Coupled with French press coffee, amazing!
This is their one and only dessert, called Birthday Cake, hence the candle on top. It is one of the best birthday cakes I’ve had. Vanilla butter cake with buttercream icing. Coupled with French press coffee, amazing!

So yes, even if it did finally happen, D and I found time to have some gustatory delights despite the demands of unwavering support from our one and only offspring. We had to hurry because we need to pick Beans up from his friend’s house then take him to his piano and guitar lessons. I may sound like I’m whining but I know I am still lucky. He could have been a grumpy and moody teenager who does nothing but stay in his room and play video games all day . Instead, he is a grumpy and moody teenager who is very involved with his music and practices with his band friends all day. Yup, life could be worse!



Anatomy of a Sandwich

It’s very difficult to be foodie-fancy on a day to day basis. On days that D and I work and Beans has school, it’s go-go-go in the mornings. A chant shared by all working-moms around the globe…

I raised two adorable monsters aged 14 and 50, whose pickiness in food knows no bounds, so despite extreme time constraints, I try to whip up next-level lunches so they don’t starve to death. I am not exaggerating. If I don’t pack them lunch, they literally will not eat anything else until we all get home, THEN I make meals after a 12-hour shift. Welcome to my life.

My constant go-to are sandwiches. We usually grill on weekends, and true to my Asian heritage, I always cook more food than we can eat. This habit, coupled with another truly Asian one of not wanting to throw things away have made me resourceful with our left-overs.

True, anyone can throw two pieces of bread with some sort of filling and call it a sandwich, but it takes some effort (and yes, a touch of OC), to make it a really great one. Attention to ingredients and proper “layering” maximizes and enhances flavor to truly make a good sandwich.


Here’s how I make sandwiches for my two picky eaters:

Cast of characters: bread, veggie, meat, dairy, jam and condiments
Cast of characters: bread, veggie, meat, dairy, jam and condiments
My choice of bread for this week is focaccia. I got this from Whole Foods. I used to bake the breads but I've gotten too busy….and yes, lazy. Toast till slightly crisp on the outside
My choice of bread for this week is focaccia. I got this from Whole Foods. I used to bake the breads but I’ve gotten too busy….and yes, lazy. Toast till slightly crisp on the outside

I like to slice it thick so that the inside of the bread can still be soft despite the toasty exterior. I don’t like it all crunchy and breaking apart when I bite to it. But you need some sort of firmness and dryness so the condiments and jam don’t soak the bread either.

Spread condiment on one side. I'm using mustard seeds on this one.
Spread condiment on one side. I’m using champagne honey mustard on this one.
On the other side, spread some jam or any sweet spread. My choice is Fig in Port Wine.
On the other side, spread some jam or any sweet spread. My choice is Fig in Port Wine.
Veggies not only add nutritional value but it also serves as barrier so that the moist condiment and jam do not touch the meat.
Veggies not only add nutritional value but it also serves as barrier so that the moist condiment and jam do not touch the meat.

If we were eating at home, I would add tomatoes. But if the sandwiches won’t be eaten until the next couple of hours, tomatoes will tend to seep out a lot of moisture and you end with a soggy sandwich.

The start of the show is the meat! Let's pause at how beautiful this filet steak is. Perfectly pink in the inside. D won't be able to resist this.
The star of the show is the meat! Let’s pause at how beautiful this filet steak is. Perfectly pink in the inside. D won’t be able to resist this.
Dairy of choice is blue-cheese. There's something about blue cheese that pairs so well with steak.
Dairy of choice is blue-cheese. There’s something about blue cheese that pairs so well with steak.
Voila! Beautiful and delicious sandwiches!
Voila! Beautiful and delicious sandwiches!

I like that I’m able to make left-over steaks  find a new life as sandwiches we take for lunch. D balks at having meat during weekends so I have to make it extra special so he can’t resist it. Beans always find this as a better alternative than any of the food offered in the school cafeteria.

I swear, I make this in less than ten minutes. I’ve tried different variations using grilled chicken or turkey. This is why I hoard various kinds of mustards (we don’t do mayo in the house) and every kind of jam known to man.

So there, sandwiches are done. Cross that off the to-do list for the day. Five hundred more to go.