Like my other favorites in the Bay Area, this restaurant holds a lot of good memories. I took Beans here when he was 3 years old. He did not care much for seafood so I fed him at home. While in the restaurant, the waiters were kind enough to get him some brownies for him to munch on while we were eating. But instead of eating it, he decided to break it in crumbs and scatter it all over the chairs and floor. The huge clean-up necessitated a generous tip, far more than what those stupid brownies were worth….
This has been my bench-mark on how a crab needs to be cooked. High quality crab seasoned to perfection. Worth ruining your manicure for.
When it comes to crabs, I DO NOT SHARE. So D, and to have his own.
This is what he got. Which is almost as good as my order. That thing was cooked in thre kinds of wine, what could go wrong?
I strongly advised against sharing this too.
Crustacean San Francisco
1475 Polk St San Francisco, CA 94109